Meet Dr. Nadia Blanchet
Welcome to my website and my practice. This site should give you a feel for the types of procedures that I like to do and probably some insight into who I am as a person and a surgeon. Here you will be able to read the informed consent letters that I will give to you when you come to the office, as well as discharge instructions. This information represents my opinions after years of practice as well as my interpretation of the literature. By reading about the pros and cons of each procedure, as well as the recovery and risks, we should be able to have a more fruitful discussion when you come to talk to me in consultation. There are good surgeons who may disagree with some of my statements and in the office I will help you understand what is controversial among surgeons and what are universally held opinions.
In general, the surgical process involves a consultation where I will examine you and review the options in detail. There is a second office visit preoperatively to discuss the “nuts and bolts” of the recovery. We will instruct you as to what kind of garments you will need, give you your post-op prescriptions, and address any concerns you may have. If your surgery is cosmetic, the cost of your pre-op visit is included in the consultation fee that you paid at your first appointment. Cosmetic surgery is usually performed in my office surgical suite which is accredited by the American Association for the Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities. If your plastic surgery is reconstructive/medical, it will usually be performed at Johnston Willis hospital.
Explore Our Procedures
Explore Our Work
This website has some before and after photos in the gallery section. These tend to be some of my best work. In my office, I will show you a broader array of results and explain how some patients are more ideal than others for specific operations, and I will give you an idea of where you will likely fall on that spectrum.

One of Richmond’s Most
Trusted Plastic Surgeons
Yearly voted one of Richmond’s best Reconstructive surgeons, as well as Richmond’s best Cosmetic surgeon by fellow physicians.
Giving Back
My husband and I have been doing volunteer surgery every year for almost 30 years in St. Vincent and The Grenadines in the West Indies. I have some photos of patients from St.Vincent who have given me permission to have their images shown on my website. I share these images in the hope that some of you may also become enthusiastic about the Richmond based “World Pediatric Project”. World Pediatric Project sends many Richmond surgical teams to developing nations and when necessary, they bring very sick children to Richmond for life-saving treatment. Many Richmond physicians participate in this program, including other plastic surgeons, and I am glad to be among them. The Virginia Community Foundation is another awesome local philanthropic organization whose link is on my website as well.

Patient Resources
As a patient, we want to make sure you have access to all of the resources you need during and after treatment. Please see our patient resources below:
Sherry Kohlenberg Healthcare Service Awarded to Dr. Blanchet
Dr Blanchet was honored with the Sherry Kohlenberg Healthcare Service Award from the Virginia Breast Cancer Foundation at their recent Healthcare Provider Summit event.