A Discussion about Mini-Abdominoplasty

What is Mini-Abdominoplasty

A “full” abdominoplasty involves a long scar above the pubic area, a navel scar, some liposuction and a plication or reinforcement of the abdominal wall to bring the central (rectus) muscles together.  Some women’s abdominal contours do not require all of these components.  These patients would be good candidates for a “mini”-abdominoplasty.  This can mean several different things including a shorter scar to tighten the lower abdomen only (avoiding the umbilical scar), the usual abdominal external scars without the internal plication of the abdominal muscles in patients who are in very good shape or bringing the entire abdominal wall skin down including the navel, “floating” the navel to avoid the umbilical scar, although lowering it as well.

What Happens After?

The mini abdominoplasty will usually be done as an outpatient procedure in my office.    The risks are the same as for the usual abdominoplasty except that it is a smaller operation so that there is less chance of bleeding, less discomfort and less of a recovery.  The risk of infection is about 1%.  The scar may be wide after this operation, although in the past few years, I have been using absorbable staples on the inside, so the scars have been much more attractive.  As with a full abdominoplasty, I would ask you to refrain from heavy lifting for 6 weeks.  I generally do not use a drain.

Smokers heal poorly in terms of infection and wound breakdown. You are advised not to smoke, vape or use nicotine replacements for at 6 weeks prior and after your surgery. Nicotine screening may be necessary the day of surgery. IF THE TEST IS POSITIVE, YOUR SURGERY WILL BE CANCELLED.

It will be a pleasure discussing a mini abdominoplasty with you.  Please call my office with any questions (804-320-8545).

Additional Information

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